Vision and Values

We ensure this by being committed to excellence in care and education through providing a professional environment with supportive nurturing teachers where all children are cherished.
We believe that teachers, children, parents/whanau and the community are a collective voice and integral part of our centre.
The principles that under pin our vision are that children need to:

Our Teachers
The teaching team has been carefully selected to ensure quality care and education. Our teachers need to be passionate about delivering quality practice and show genuine care for the wellbeing of all children. Our teachers enjoy light-hearted humour with the children and are encouraged to have fun with them; making for a happy and relaxed atmosphere to grow.
Our Centres
Childhood Concepts provides a safe and warm environment where children are encouraged to be active learners and are able to exercise choice.
Each of our three centres are different, as they are in different communities and reflect that. What they all have in common is a commitment to a developmentally appropriate curriculum, which supports and extends their interests.
Childhood Concepts believes that each child is unique and therefore each child has an individual programme for steady growth, development and learning- and it is fun. What our children learn at Childhood Concepts will lay a foundation for what they need to know and use throughout life.
Sharing our fun times with our families is important to us. Family evenings, sharing learning online through Educa and connecting each day, brings our families into our centre life and extends us into their home life too.
Our learning experiences
We play and learn through the principles of our early childhood curriculum, Te Whariki.
We ensure our children experience activities around language, basic Maori and other languages and cultures as well as mathematics, technology, science, the arts, health and physical well being. Within these areas of learning, different varieties of play will be displayed. These could be exploratory, creative, dramatic and fantasy play, constructive, manipulative or physically active play.
However, the real learning and excitement comes from all of the topics, enquiries and investigations around the children’s interests. This is what we can’t plan for and it is where a deep understanding of our children really starts to grow and we all learn together.
Rest And Sleep Times
The centres offer full sleep and rest environments for children. We have separate under two sleep rooms with cots.
Children are able to maintain their own sleep patterns and routines and we have teachers available throughout the day to monitor children sleeping. Older children who only require a midday sleep, are settled on individually named beds with their own sheets and blanket.
Others who do not require a sleep will have a quiet rest for a period of half an hour and then move on to participate in small group play and the transition to school programme.

Meal Times
Childhood Concepts believe in a positive attitude towards food and encourages healthy eating habits. We offer a hot nutritious meal and snacks each day, catering for all individual needs.
We respect and protect all children in our care. Unwell children are required to remain away from their centre, as infections spread easily amongst young children and can become a serious health risk if ignored. If you feel that your child is not well enough to play outside, or still requires Pamol/Panadol during their recovery after an illness, then they are probably still not well enough to return to their centre. We ask that children are cared for at home until fully recovered.
Settling In
Whether you are returning to the workforce or joining us from another centre, the change can be overwhelming. We want to make this time as easy as possible for parents and children.
Childhood Concepts offer a settling in time that is convenient to you, at no charge. We encourage you to join us for a couple of hours, relax and enjoy our environment with your child, plus get to know and to feel comfortable with our teachers and centre.
We prefer to fit in with your individual needs, but if you require help we do have guidelines on settling in, that you can follow, just ask.
We welcome any comments you feel may help improve our service. If you have any other questions please contact us at one of the locations below.